Muhammad Ishaq
Islamia model school of biological Sciences, Pakistan
Muhammad Ishaq is presently the Director of Science organization. He has completed his MS in Chemistry and Zoology from Research based Institute of Pakistan. He is the Member of National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS), Pakistan. As a Chemist and Zoologist, he has shown active contribution in the field of science. He has participated in different workshops and seminars related to different fields. He has got a deep insight into Advanced Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Zoology and Experimental Statistics. Recently he has completed research on persistent organic pollutants in the river Swat “districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan”. Furthermore he is very much interested to attend conferences and seminars on international level where he would create new ideas and discuss it with scientific communities to make it beneficial for the living organisms in near future.