Vasu Jayaprakas
Amity University
Prof. Dr.V.Jayaprakas, working as Professor, has a long period (40 years) of teaching and research experience in fisheries and aquaculture. Developed Formulated supplementary protein diets for whiteprawn, pearlspot and tilapia culture and developed low-cost production technology for cage culture of murrels, Channa spp. Evolved optimum stocking density and best supplemenary feed for cage culture of Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. Developed broodstock feed for Oreochromis mossambicus. Evolved optimum dosages of commercial grade growth promoters and feed additives for the culture of fresh water fishes and marine shrimps. Developed supplementary diets for optimizing reproductive potential of ornamental fishes., blue gourami, Pseudosphromenus cupanus and P.dayi
Research Interest