Dr. K. Pani Prasad
Principal Scientist
Central Institute of Fisheries Education
Dr. K. Pani Prasad has 22 years of experience as a researcher, scientist and extension worker in areas of aquatic animal health. Developed different immunodiagnostic kits and molecular techniques for detection of bacterial and viarl diaseses of finfish and shellfish. Worked as a National Consultant for an FAO, Rome and Dept. of Fisheries, Government of Andhra Pradesh, India project. Presently, working in the aquatic diasese surveillance project funded by Government of India, regularly and regularly monitor the shrimp farms for viruses, bacteria and other disease causing agents. The expertise extends to train the farmers, teachers and students on different aspects of health management and conducted a number of on hands training programs. The experience gained helped me in guiding 50 masters and 10 Ph.D students in different areas of health management. Published around 75 research publications in International and National journals with high impact factor.
Research Interest
Aquatic animal health