Sixto E Portilla
Open Water Enterprises LLC, USA
Title: Plankton fatty acids and planktivorous fishills: Do dietary Omega-3s control acclimation to decreasing temperature?
Biography: Sixto E Portilla
Temperature change affects remodelling of cell membrane phospholipids in poikilothermic organisms to maintain constant cell membrane viscosity. Rapidly decreasing temperature demands rapid remodelling, and often forces poikilotherms to promptly acclimatize to a lower thermal regime. Recently published research provide evidence suggesting that dietary omega-3 fatty acid content may have a profound impact on the ability of filter-feeding Atlantic menhaden to acclimatize to a rapidly cooling environment. Temperature profiles and micro-plankton records preceding several major 2015 menhaden fishkills in the northeast United States provide additional evidence that particular omega-3 dietary fatty acids found in micro-plankton may control acclimatization to decreasing temperature in this species.