Punhal Khan Lashari
University of Sindh, Pakistan
Title: Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of catfish order siluriformes inferred from mitochondrial gene sequence variation
Biography: Punhal Khan Lashari
Order Siluriformes includes many commercially and economically important species throughout the world. Here, we investigated genetic relationships and diversity in this order. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses revealed considerable variations between mitochondrial CO1 genes among twenty-four siluriformes species. The nucleotide frequencies are A=23.80%, T/ U=29.62%, C=26.63%, and G=19.95%. For estimating ML values, a user specified toplogy was used. The maximum Log likelihood for this computation was -9413.645. Estimates of average evolutionary divergence over all sequence and the numbers of base substitutions per site from averaging over all sequence pairs were 4.984. Our results suggest that Batasio tranvancoria formed a single clade; R. Rita, W. Attu, M. Montanus and B. Bagarius comprised a single separate family; and M. Vittatus, M. Horai, B. Tengana, M. Malabaricus, M. Bacourti, M. Singaringan, M. Bleekeri, M. Gulio, M. Multiradiatus, M. Rhegma, M. Cavasius, M. Tengara, S. Aor, S. Seenghala, B. Bajad, B. Filamentosus, B. Macracanthus, P. Siamensis, E. Vacha and B. Travancoria formed single subfamily.